Which Plan
Our simple selection wizard can help you find the plan that best suits your needs.
Custom Fit remains the leader in custom internet solutions for users large and small.
In addition to the rock-solid hosting of, you also get our state-of-the-art eQuillPress software.
Our Design & Development Team can create custom solutions that meet your specific needs.
Upgraded Servers
We have bigger, better servers! Which means our plans now offer 10 times more disk space and site traffic!!
Domain Names
Domain name is a unique word, or a couple of words, usually associated with an IP address, that represents a special place on the Internet. You need a domain name because it gives a name of your place in the biggest society in the world - the World Wide Web.
FREE Domain Name
All of our Business Level Plans include a free domain name - a $15/year value.
Domain Privacy Protection FREE
Unlike most hosts, includes WhoIs/Domain ID Privacy Protection FREE. What does this protection do? Every registered domain
must include whois information about the domain owner. This information is publically available to anyone. Which means it's
a big draw for SPAMers and Junk Mailers. We protect your information and filter out the junk for you for free. How much junk? In our
experience whois information generates over 10,000 SPAM messages for every 1 valid email inquiry. Other company's talk about protecting
you from SPAM. We do it.
Below is a fair comparison of our Domain Name prices with the two largest domain registars in the country. Prices are for .com/.net/.org as
other TLDs can to vary wildly in price.
Network Solutions |
Go Daddy |
Simple1 |
Standard Domain Price |
$34.99 |
$6.99-9.99 |
$15 |
Domain Privacy Protection |
$9 |
$6.99 |
included |
Total |
| $14.98-16.98
| $15
Bundled Domain Deal |
Free-$11.99 |
$1.99+0.20 fee |
Free-$15 |
Domain Privacy Protection |
$9 |
$6.99 |
included |
Total |
| $9.18
| Free-$15
Get what you need, not nickle & dimed.
Please note that get this free offer, customers need to register/transfer their domain through
Register A Domain Now
Our staff will register a domain for you as part of your account set up. Simply list your requested domain on our sign up page.
However, if you want to register a domain seperately from an account you can manually register a domain here at any time. Please note, that our FREE domain
privacy protection will not be initially activated on any manual registrations. Be sure to contact us to enable that feature.